Equipping the Saints for Prayer


Is anything too hard for the LORD [Abraham]? At the time appointed, I will return unto thee according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son (Gen 18:14).

Abraham’s journey begins in Genesis chapter 12, and by chapter 18, about 25 years have passed since his initial calling. At this point, Abraham and Sarah are still in the early stages of their walk with the LORD. Their view of God was still very small, and their faith was weak. The LORD waited for Sarah to be past the childbearing age when all normal physical possibilities were gone. Then, He made the above statement to gain their trust and strengthen their confidence that He could keep His covenant promises to Abraham. Nine months later, their view of God was changed but would be tested again in Genesis twenty-two. After Abraham’s test to offer Isaac, he told his servants, “The lad and I will return; he believed that if he offered Isaac, God would resurrect him.” When the LORD saw how Abraham and Isaac responded to this test, He essentially told Abraham that his faith was complete and he was wholly surrendered.

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Frontier Baptist Missions, Inc.


Hello, my name is Gary Ellison, Director of Frontier Baptist Missions, Inc. God has given FBMI a long and rich history of partnering with the Local Church to fulfill the Great Commission. FBMI started in 1951 with its primary focus at the Border of Mexico, reaching Hispanics with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. However, today FBMI has the privilege of working with Baptist Missionaries in 19 countries. As Director, our vision at FBMI is to do all we can to strengthen the ministries of the Local Church. I believe partnering with Dave and Putter Weeks’ ministry, BWCE, will help our vision of serving the Local Baptist Church.

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Greetings, spiritual family, my name is Joshua Ellison. I stepped out by faith, though timidly and not without deliberation and prayer, counsel, and personal introspection. God rewards steps of faith. He reliably directed my steps repeatedly as I have journeyed, seeking His will for my life. I was introduced to Dave Weeks by my father, Gary Ellison, while seeking confirmation of God’s directing. Unbeknown to me, Dave had been praying for the past couple of years for God to raise someone to help and continue the ministries of BWCE. God has led Dave and me to join paths, as we were both directed to partner with Frontier Baptist Missions Incorporated, a mission board; seminary/training center; literature ministry, as evangelists.TBS has training in three levels: 1. One Year Bible Certificate; 2. Associate Degree in Bible Theology; 3. Bachelors Degree in Pastoral Theology. A student can study on our campus in Mercedes, TX or on line via the internet. Please consider preparing yourself for God’s work at TBS! Please contact us with any questions.

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Dave and Putter Weeks


             Literature Ministry

Trinity Baptist Seminary (Seminario Bautista Trinidad) exists to serve and strengthen the ministries of the local church. We do this by partnering with the Pastor in the training of his faithful workers. In our training we emphasize Bible Doctrine, Christian character, and a Baptist philosophy of ministry. No student can study at TBS without written recommendation from his pastor. No student can remain active at TBS without weekly participation and service in his local church. TBS has training in three levels: 1. One Year Bible Certificate; 2. Associate Degree in Bible Theology; 3. Bachelors Degree in Pastoral Theology. A student can study on our campus in Mercedes, TX or on line via the internet. Please consider preparing yourself for God’s work at TBS! Please contact us with any questions.

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Answering The Cults  

Did Jesus have a God?  Does John 17:3 teach that the Father is the only true God; therefore, denying the trinity?  Does Colossians 1:15 teach that Jesus was created?

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What Is A Cult?  

If one were to talk with ten different people who are "cult experts," most likely he or she would get a different definition of what a cult is from each of them.

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