Local Church Ministry

It is our desire to challenge, equip and protect Christians against the perils of our generation. Knowing more about our Savior, about the Word of God and about Evangelism is the purpose of our ministry. What is the heart and mind of God concerning the millions of cult victims who have no Shepherd? Do we share the Lords feelings for these blinded people? Is it possible to reach them with the True Jesus of the Bible? Where do we begin?

As a church planting missionary in Austria, I reached a point of such frustration in trying to deal with Jehovah's Witnesses that I was determined never to talk with them again. It was then that the Holy Spirit convicted me that the people who were knocking on my door, were no different than the people whose door we were knocking on, they were both lost. I knew that arguing was not the answer, so I said, "Lord there must be a different way to reach them and if You want me to reach them, You must show me how." And He did, Praise the Lord! Leading JWs to Christ and teaching others how to reach them has been one of the greatest experiences in my Christian life. My book, Evangelizing JWs, has helped many other people to experience the same joy in their lives.

When invited to a church we begin by praying that you can catch the burden. The Lord has given us a message to help you see His burden for these people.  We have entitled it: The JW At The Well Click on the link to listen to a seven minute splice of a message recorded in the early 90's.  The text is taken from John chapter four.  The message is in booklet form with the introduction written by an ex-JW, who is now a Baptist pastor.  After the message a testimony is given by a third generation JW lady and her entire family that was saved, by the grace of God, through our hotline ministry.

If given the opportunity to teach in Sunday school, we also have a message that will help protect people in your church from being drawn into the cults. It is entitled:   How To Cultproof Your Church. Click on the link to listen to a six-minute splice of the message recorded in October 2002. Our book, Checkmate for Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses, published in 2013 has been helpful to many. The Sunday School Book followed in 2016 with 12 lessons to reach the permanent memory. It contains the foundational truths that will strengthen believers and prepare them for the work of the ministry. Learning these truths will equip people to successfully reach JWs and strengthen their own faith in the Word of God. Checkmate conferences consist of simple ways, usually one or two verses that show cult victims the conflicts between what their leaders have told them and what the Bible truly says. Knowing more about Jesus and having answers to the Trinity questions is what triggers the thought process and brings conviction to those cult members who are truly seeking the truth.
If we can be of help to you in anyway with church members or others that have friends or love ones in one of the four cults that we minister to, just let us know and we will be glad to serve you. Contact us online or contact our mission's office with the details and we'll respond as soon as possible.
Serving our blessed Lord and you with joy,
Dave & Putter

Macedonia World Baptist Missions, Inc Tel. 706-654-2818

Challenge Churches To Catch The Burden

My Personal Testimony - Matt. 9:35-38
The JW At The Well - John 4:1-42

Protecting Churches From The Danger Of The Cults

This Danger Is Unanswered Questions About The Trinity
How To Cultproof Your Church?  Know Who Jesus Is

Equip Churches To Reach The Unreached

Conference On Cult Evangelism
Answering The Trinity Questions